Sam Heughan: 25 Things You Dont Know About Me

Outlander star Sam Heughan leaves the 18th century behind to spend time with Us. Read on to learn 25 things about the Scottish actor.

1. My favorite meal is breakfast, especially eggs! (And I’m afraid I eat them with ketchup.)

2. My charity, “My Peak Challenge” [for blood cancer research], has raised in excess of $1.5 million and has over 10,000 “Peaker” members.

3. The unknown universe fascinates me. I’m certain we’ve been visited by aliens.

4. I wore glasses as a child that had Buddy Holly rims, which I hated. They’d probably be considered cool now.

5. I would like to write a book someday. I wrote the foreword to [There’s Always the Hills by Cameron McNeish], and I really enjoyed the experience.

6. I love being anonymous. I don’t like to stand out, which is hard when you’re 6-foot-3.

7. I played the trumpet and trombone during my school days.

8. I once played a bird in a Christmas version of The Twits in high heels, sequin flares and a corset.

9. While shooting season 4 of Outlander, I decided to run two marathons in four weeks. I beat my personal best both times … by one minute.

10. I’m addicted to documentaries and nonfiction stories. Sometimes it’s hard for me to watch a drama. Real life is way more interesting.

11. My favorite number is 5. Don’t know why, it just looks nice.

12. I write in capital letters and have since I was a teen. I think it’s from chemistry class and messy handwriting.

13. When I sneeze, I always sneeze twice. Always. Twice.

14. I believe in astrology but pretend I don’t.

15. I was a pescatarian until age 24. When I wanted to bulk up for a Superman audition, I decided to try a burger.

16. I lived in North London for 12 years and have a core group of friends from drama school that all moved there together. I miss them a lot.

17. Being stuck in a lift and having no water would be two of my biggest fears.

18. I only learned to drive at age 35. The first car I properly drove was a yellow Fiat 500!

19. I’m working on my own whisky brand. It’s a passion project. I’m excited to share what I’ve created.

20. I love American football and would’ve loved to play when I was young. I’ve yet to go to an NFL game.

21. I worked in an African café as a teenager. The café and the people were expressive, creative, full of life and always attracted a wonderful crowd.

22. I got stung by a bee in Cape Town, on my cheek. The sting occasionally flares up in the same place.

23. I spent a few weeks in Thailand training in Muay Thai and watching live fights. There’s pure respect and honor between everyone on the mats.

24. My favorite pastime is cycling in foreign cities. Copenhagen in a thunderstorm, NYC in the humid summer and, more recently, Miami are a few favorites.

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25. I unwind by cooking. It’s less about eating and more about the process. It quiets my mind.

Season 4 of Outlander premieres on Starz November 4 at 8 p.m. ET.
